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by Bree Turner 02 Jul 2024


What a wild ride it has been. 15 years competing in the professional Ironwoman Series in a sport Iā€™m crazy about. I feel so damn lucky to have lived this life. Iā€™ve raced at some beautiful beaches, made some incredible friends, pushed my body to the limit, won some races, and lost many more. I have been living my dream as a professional athlete and this year I decided it was time for that chapter to come to a close and for a new one to begin.Ā 

Now just feels like the right time to finish up racing as an Ironwoman; to no longer train 14 times per week and no longer revolve my life around my sport. I am excited for whatā€™s to come.Ā 

Change is daunting at the best of times, yet, athletes are in a unique situation in which our careers must naturally come to an end. We canā€™t be athletes for our entire working lives as this isnā€™t physically possible.Ā 

I love sport, I love being active and know sport and exercise will always be a big part of my life, regardless of whether I am training for a competition or challenge or not. Although, I sit here writing this one month after my final race at Aussies and I have only done three runs in that time. Itā€™s probably the least amount of exercise I have done in my life, and it feels so freeing.Ā 

I am so grateful for everyone who has been along for the ride, friends, family, coaches, sponsors and fans. Especially my parents who encouraged me into the sport of surf life saving and drove me around everywhere, taking me to training, early morning swimming and surf carnivals which were hours away. Between them they have not missed a series race in 15 years flying from Victoria every time šŸ™šŸ½ This is something I appreciate so much more the older I become.Ā 

I wouldnā€™t have been able to race as well as I have done without support and sponsorship. Training 14 times per week, itā€™s hard to work (in a job) full time and pursue a sporting career so sponsorship has meant the world to me. I have been a part of the Jolyn team ever since Jess brought Jolyn over to Australia from the US in 2013. Back in the day she used to sell from her apartment and car and at one point the printing setup was in my garage. Now she has built Jolyn and other businesses into what it is today and it has been a privilege to wear the best looking swimwear and be a part of the journey.Ā 

What is next for me? I am asked this question a lot. Recently I finished my final professional season, got married and moved house all the space of one month. It has been an awesome month and a lot to take in. I havenā€™t had a proper chance to take a moment for myself and plan ahead too far, but thatā€™s the beauty of my less planned life ahead. Not everything will revolve around going to bed early and waking up for swimming at 4:37am. I can go away on the weekend and not have to factor in missing iron training.Ā 

One thing I am really looking forward to is heading over to California to present some KaMana Community workshops to US female athletes alongside fellow Ironwoman and Jolyn ambassador Lizzie Welborn. Race wise, one of the best things about surf life saving is that whilst the Nutri-Grain Series is a professional series you have to qualify for, other surf life saving events such as the Summer of Surf and Aussies are for the community. I would like to do a few craft races here and there, join the Girls of Northcliffe (GON) for some team events and just enjoy being on the beach.Ā 

Interestingly, I have signed myself up for a surf competition in the US next month. I canā€™t help myself. I wonā€™t be fit but I can still have fun and race even when I am not at my best, right? Right. Watch this space.Ā 

I am aware of the change ahead, both physically and mentally. I know that many athletes have struggled with the transition and whilst itā€™s all very exciting for me now, I plan to be honest and candid during this time. Thanks for following my journey so far and I hope you continue to come along for the ride.Ā 


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